About CAFS
About CAFS
Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry of Slovenia (CAFS)
The Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry of Slovenia has successfully been operating for many years. During the period of intensive operation, the Chamber has evolved into an active and successfull player when it comes to solving problems and representing Slovene agriculture, forestry and fishing at home and abroad. I believe we can reach the set goals through mutual efforts and joint work in the development of Slovene agriculture, forestry, fishing and rural areas. Jože Podgoršek
Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry of Slovenia is the umbrella interest organization of natural and legal persons in the Republic of Slovenia engaged in agriculture, forestry and fishery. Its central task is to protect and represent their interests, to consult them and accelerate economical and environment friendly activities.
Preferential tasks:
- Acceleration of development and improvement of economic conditions
- Assurance of specialist services operation
- Co-formation of legislation
- Improvement of social conditions in life
- Keeping settlement of Slovenian rural areas
- Promotion of Slovenian agriculture at home and abroad
Specialist services of the chamber:
- Agricultural advisory service
- Selection and monitoring production in stockbreeding
- Forestry advisory service
- Centers for fruit-growing and nursery
The specialist services operate in eight regional agricultural forestry institutions.
The Chamber works on 3 levels:
- Chamber’s Headquarters in Ljubljana
- 13 district subsidiaries established throughout Slovenia
- 60 local units operating on a local level.
In the mandate for the period 2024 to 2028 the Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry of Slovenia is presented by the president dr. Jože Podgoršek, vice-presidents Barbara Lombar Virant and Izidor Jelenc, and the director of the Chamber's Headquarter Martin Mavsar.
International cooperation:
CAFS is also actively involved in international activities. It is a member of Copa Cogeca and it participates on international conferences, congresses, fairs and preserves and strengthens good interaction with the agricultural organizations within and outside EU, especially with the organizations in ex-Yugoslavia states.
CAFS is also a partner on several European projects.
Phone: +386 1 513 66 00
E-mail: kgzs@kgzs.si
Web: www.kgzs.si/cafs